RollingStone | How Ebola Lockdowns Failed a Liberian Community
Frieze Magazine | Memories of Miami
Artforum | Enzo Camacho and Ami Lien
London Review of Books | Florida After Dobbs
Slate | Haitian Migrant Kids Have Seen This Before
der Freitag | Warum ich als glücklich verheiratete radikale Feministin mit der Ehe kämpfe
Virginia Quarterly Review | Who Shall Let This World Be Beautiful?
Al Jazeera | Haiti needs a Green New Deal, not a military intervention
Frieze Magazine | Remembering Faith Ringgold (1930–2024)
der Freitag | Rätselhafte Natur, rätselhafter Mensch
Baffler Magazine | Into the Meat Grinder
Apollo Magazine | Josephine Baker, agent provocateur
Frieze Magazine | A Major Caspar David Friedrich Show Brings the Underserved in From the Cold
Contemporary And | Amplifying the Creative Structures at HKW
Frieze | Jean-Ulrick Désert Commits to Truth
The Nation | Without Apology: Abortion in Literature
Esquire | Those Who Remain in Haiti—and Those Who Leave
Vittles Magazine | Finding my way to bannan fri
Frieze | True-Crime Podcast Dynamite Doug Takes on the Art World
London Review of Books | On the Subway
Al Jazeera | Looking at Berlin’s present through its past
Public Books | We Plot to Undo the World
Der Freitag | Lärm-Diskriminierung: Warum sind die Deutschen so auf Stille erpicht?
Berliner Zeitung | Warum lieben die Deutschen die Stille?
The Nation | Learning and Healing in the Archive of Black Thought
London Review of Books | Of International Concern
WIRED | What Germany's Lack of Race Data Means During a Pandemic
London Review of Books | Prejudice Rules: LRB contributors on overturning of Roe v. Wade
London Review of Books | On Reproductive Justice
e-flux | Contagion on the Plantation
London Review of Books | Diseases of Relevance
Art Hx | More Than an Image: Black Women Healers at the Helm of Modern Gynecology
The Guardian | ‘Infertility stung me’: Black motherhood and me
Al Jazeera | Women in science should be the norm, not the exception
Berliner Zeitung | “Hundefreund”: Warum Dating in Berlin für Nicht-Weiße anders ist
London Review of Books | Rogue Science
Berliner Zeitung | Sex im Lockdown: Zeit, kreativ zu werden
Le Monde diplomatique | Brief aus Lemon City
Al Jazeera | The border violence against Haitians reflects US racial ideology
London Review of Books | In Little Haiti
Esquire | U.S. Parents, Congrats on Your $300. You’re Still Getting Screwed
Al Jazeera | What is really behind the crisis in Haiti?
Afrokaribische Frauen Berlin (ein)schreiben | Sisters and Souls 2
Al Jazeera | Why We Need a Juneteenth Holiday
The Atlantic | Germany’s Anti-vaccination History Is Riddled With Anti-Semitism
Analyse & Kritik | Seit 300 Jahren nichts Neues
Al Jazeera | What is International Women’s Day for Black Women
The Guardian | From HIV to Covid, pandemics show us fear of disease is coloured by prejudice
Al Jazeera | Debt in the time of pandemic
The New Republic | The Global Temptation to Keep Building Pipelines
Al Jazeera | When Africa was a Living Laboratory
The Nation | Covid Threatens to Worsen Disparities in Maternal and Reproductive Care
In Search of Black Eros | Multilogues on the Now 4: On Glands, Membranes and Cavities
Edition F | Kamala Harris: Worum es bei der US-Wahl für Schwarze Mädchen und Frauen geht
The Joys of Troublemaking | New Queer Photography
The Baffler | Fear of a White Riot
Al Jazeera | How the myth of Black hyper-fertility harms us
Verso Books | Perennial Disasters in Port Cities
Al Jazeera | George Floyd, a survivor’s guilt and a global Black Lives Matter
The Baffler | Ill Will
Al Jazeera | What coronavirus has taught us about inequality
Science for the People | The Imperial Machine
2019 and Earlier
Africa is a Country | Tunisia’s Surveillance State
The Nation | Debt is Holding Black Americans Hostage
The Baffler | How They Treat Us
The Nation | The Disturbing Rise of Femonationalism
Analyse & Kritik | Sie zählen die Tag und warten auf den Tod
Der Freitag | Ganz Amerika
Africa is a Country | What’s Behind Tunisia’s Growing Military
Mada Masr | A Black American Poet in Cairo in the 50s and 60s
Contretemps Revue de Critique Communiste | Panarabsime et internationalisme
Jacobin | Exacerbating Disaster
The Conversation | What Yemen can learn from the historical experience of cholera
Der Freitag | Sie kommen, um sich zu beschweren
Jacobin | Behind the Lockout